"Sync obs. w/ photo metadata" not working on old uploader

I have had to add date and time information manually for all observations uploaded this morning. Even the sync feature in the editing panel doesn’t seem to be working.

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I discovered the photos will sync when using the current upload panel. They are not syncing when using the “old” observation form, which is what I habitually use

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:wave: Are you talking about the website? Can you share screenshots/example URLs?

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Yes, this is using the website. I just uploaded another observation and sequential screenshots are here:

Observation URL: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/35979464
If I go into the photo using the “i” icon, it shows the time and date information. However the observation is casual because that information is not syncing with the website.


have you tried it via that green upload button at the top of the page too? Does that cause the same issue? (apologies if i missed something!)


I took a stab at rewriting your bug report title to reflect the issue that I think is happening here.


Hmm, I’m not able to replicate this with my photos:

Can you please email the photo to help@inaturalist.org so we can take a look?

And like @charlie says, it’d be good to see if uploading via the standard uploader at https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/upload works.


Using the green button, if I then click the blue button and select a photo, the date/time info loads properly. That’s what I meant earlier in the thread by “using the current upload panel” though maybe that wasn’t clear. It’s only if I then go to “More import options” and select Old Observation Form that the sync issue happens.

I’ll email the photo in a sec.


OK, I just wanted to see if our standard uploader was able to read the photo data.

Any reason you’re using the old uploader rather than the standard one?


The primary reason is the way the standard uploader handles zoom level. For instance, in this observation using the standard uploader, I zoomed in to get a fairly accurate location within a forest preserve, but after I upload it seems I’m looking at a big chunk of the Chicago area. I have to zoom in again to see where the heck I was. Also, even though I was able to find G.A.R. Woods on the google map, the uploader defaulted to River Forest, IL as the location and I had to go back and change it manually.


A post was split to a new topic: Metadata not being read in standard uploader

@sanguinaria33 I can replicate with your photo when using the old uploader. Since it’s the weekend I can let our developers know next week, but because we officially do not support that old (deprecated) uploader anymore, I can’t promise a fix.

That’s what we call the “place guess” and it doesn’t really affect much about the observation, such as which iNaturalist places the observation is indexed in and which collection projects it’s eligible for, it’s not something I personally pay attention to. But for what it’s worth, you can edit what appears there in the standard uploader by editing the locality notes on the location pop-up:

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I understand you can’t promise a fix though I know other iNat-ers also still use the old uploader. I do not understand though why I did not have the issue before today. It’s interesting that it also affects the standard uploader for some users (it did not for me). We’ll see how it plays out.

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I still use the deprecated upload form, as well. I like it better than the new method.

The fix for the standard uploader metadata issue also solved it for the legacy uploader. Thanks!