Taxon page computer vision model status affected by place filter

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Filtering by place on the website taxon page changes the Computer Vision Model status from Included to Pending. Removing the place filter does not correct the issue. One must remove the place filter and refresh the page in order for the status to be corrected.

Adding a place filter also appeared to affect information shown in the other areas of the About tab on the taxon page such as blanking out the wikipedia source and removing links from the More info box.

In some cases it appeared that leaving the place filter in place would provide the correct Computer Vision status and then removing the place filter give the incorrect status, but I had a harder time duplicating that issue.

Step 1: Go to a species taxon page, such as the one provided above.

Step 2: Add a place filter, such as Texas.

Step 3:

Thanks, I made an issue for this:

It also appears to affect the Status and Similar species tabs. The Status tab behavior seems incorrect, though I don’t know what the desired behavior is, while the Similar species tab behavior looks okay on a cursory glance.

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This should be fixed now.

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