Timestamps of identifications/comments aren't working correctly

Sometimes timestamps will show up as"{abbreviated month} '21", and it makes it very confusing to tell when it was created. Here’s an example; my identification shows the correct time, but all the others around me show Apr '21:

This is a very disruptive bug to me, because I can’t tell how long ago the IDs were made. Not sure if this has been reported before, but I only started seeing it this week.


Can’t tell you why it’s doing this, but if you mouse over the vague date (here “Apr '21”) you’ll see the exact date and time. That solves your


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That helps a lot, thanks. Still a bug, but I can use that until this is fixed.

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Turns out it was just because I turned on the new test feature. No issue here.

oh wow… I hope they don’t make that system wide! 2h ago means more to me than Apr '21 when I’m looking to see how long ago someone made an ID!