Title does not match Community Taxon

I disagreed with Fabaceae, but the title is still Fabaceae:

The title should be Magnoliopsida.

User has opted out of community taxon


Also, even if they did not opt out of community taxon, my observations seem to keep the one that has the highest number of votes on the community. Or if there is a lot of disagreement and it will choose the highest possible family, class, etc that all the ID’s have in common. Not sure if it is supposed to do that but it does. :-)


Do you see evidence that it is not Fabaceae?


It is definitely not Fabaceae.

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Do you have an example?

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Not right now. But I will take a screenshot and send it to you via DM next time it happens.

A URL would be best. If you’re only using the app, you can get it by tapping the share button on the observation’s page, it’ll be on the photo.

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Ok, but who do I share it to?

Email help@inaturalist.org, or tap on copy and paste it in here.

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@tiwane Ok, thank you! It will probably be here.

Closing this topic since the original issue has been answered. Feel free to open a new topic with new issues. Thanks!