Traceability: from the taxon page "Edit Photos" panel to the observations

Use case:
The main picture in a taxon page (or another picture among those chosen for a taxon) does not match the taxon. I mean these pictures:


An easy thing to do is to remove this picture from the set of pictures representative for this taxon. But we also need to go to the observation from which this picture originate, for checking its current ID.

There are two possibilities.

  1. The current observation ID is this taxon. With enough time, it is possible to find it in the taxon page (browsing all pictures of all observations), which enable to open the observation and there to put another ID. Issue: this may take too much time.

  2. The current observation ID is not this taxon. This means that one will never find this picture in the taxon page, which implies that one might never be able to go to the source observation, for checking its current ID. Issue: this will take even more time (to be sure that the picture does not appear in the taxon page) and the observation cannot be reviewed at all.

Feature request:
Add a direct link from the pictures in the “Edit Photos” panel to the source observation.

The link icon in the lower right-hand corner takes you to the photo’s page, which should have a link to the observation associated with it.


I might be misunderstanding the issue, but the little link icon in the lower right of each image takes you to the source:


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Oops, posted at the same time.

The secondary issue of having a CID that no longer matches the taxon where the photo appears is discussed here:

Thanks a lot!

The link on the picture, that I didn’t notice, answers my request.