Two common names shown on same observation

Gristle fern and hammock fern both shown on the same observation.

The common names are different on your phone but they appear the same for that observation on the website. I assume it is a consequence of the observer in Australia (where the common name is gristle fern) and the identifier in New Zealand (where the common name is Hammock fern). Whether that is by design or not I can’t say.

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the thing on top appears to be the observation taxon, while the others seem to be the taxa from the individual identifications. so it looks like the app may be applying the place preference or locale to the observation taxon but not the identification taxa for some reason. seems like a bug to me. it’s not using the same capitalization methodology between the app and the website either.

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The global default name is “hammock fern” and it’s set to “gristle fern” for users who select Australia as their default name place. When I change my default name place to Australia I now see it as gristle fern throughout the app. I’m not sure if this is because of the taxon change, if this was intentionally fixed at some point, or if it was a transient error.

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