Unconstructive complaints & grievances

Have you checked out your local biosolids management facility?
Ducks love these areas.

Places like Hornsby Bend in Austin for example, are absolutely lousy with a variety of waterfowl.

It may be a bit late in the season but you never know what you might find now, or when the weather warms up again.

One Spot, Two Spot, Reddish, Blueish

A minor complaint I have is that frog observations are sometimes first IDed as the green and golden bell frog instead of Anura (the order which includes frogs and toads). I personally think that Anura should be listed before any other species of frog for those unaware.


try it now :)


It works! Hopefully this will cut down the number of improper IDs, thanks!

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Well that was way off topic since it identified a problem that actually had a good solution.


Enough productivity, guys!


I just received the amount of IDs I get in a month in less than 5 minutes.

I uploaded about 50 obs from Texas, opposed to my normal south american species, where I think I have about 1/6th of my observations that are ignored or untouched.

Does anyone realize the situation of biodiversity loss along the tropics is a bit more significant along the tropics, than in places like suburban central texas?

last one, does it annoy anyone else, when you see a social media post that has gone viral with 300,000 likes, and it’s like… a blue jay? doing nothing, just being a giant, very common bird.

I would do anything if anyone I knew doing conservation work in south america could achieve even a fraction of that impact for the tireless work they’re doing preserving habitats and species.

The Funcacion Jocotoco has purchased and preserved hundreds of hectares of land in south america and has only 12k followers, one can assume about 80% of which are naturalist guides or biologists.

in the future, I can be less much constructive if needed,


Well, if you relocated all those Texans to South America, they’d be adding identifications to your (now suburban) South American observations. :-)

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They’re on their way for sure!!! there’s a lot of expats where I live right now.

I do get a little hyperbolic sometimes when discussing the exposure down here, I actually have been pleasantly surprised to notice an increase in the IDs of south american observations, so it doesnt really bother me that my stuff goes “unnoticed” for lack of a better term.

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A universe where prominent scientists are idolized like we do actors, musicians, and athletes is a universe I’d like to live in.


Maybe the world where no human is idolized at all? Love them, not worship them.


Yes, sorry, by using the word idolize I more meant to revere, have love for, or to be talked about widely. Everyone knows a name like Brad Pitt but how many people know a name like Alexander Fleming?


I remember in the preface or introduction to a dragonfly guide, the author mentioned that all the technical keys that they had to work with used things like wing venation – yet they created this guide that used visual things like color patterns. Imagine if we did that with birds – no Peterson field guide, but only the manuals of in-hand characters that banders use. Birds would then seem very difficult to identify.

Oh, but surely you know that it is absolutely impossible for anyone to learn how to identify anything that doesn’t live in their neighborhood.


I wish there was a movie where the main character is a nature lover, surrounded by people who are not interested in nature and he or she goes through ‘‘trials’’ and ‘‘tribulations’’ and eventually makes the whole world love nature and care for it, to an extent where they don’t have any cars but cyclists instead, and then people take an example of that movie and do the same and then we all live in a world of no environmental problems. :smiling_face_with_tear:


That must have solved a ton of things then; like all disabilities, not needing to get to work (so no more money? ) No more governments? but i guess no more exploration or expeditions or seeing family and friends not close? Or do we have teleportation with zero environment harm?


I’m happy to sit in a cart with someone on their bicycle to pull me around, or maybe if they have a horse, that’d work too, hands down will convert life for environment safety, just help me to get around.

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Horses are so expensive and you need lota of land for one. So right back to no money/economy its a utopia where you get what you need star trek style. :joy:

I mean. Matter/energy converters would be great don’t hear me wrong! And def render money useless. Would bring down Bezos lol no need for big corps just zap got it. And probably bring lots medical advances!

Science fiction promised all kinds of technology by now – flying cars, colonies on Mars, cheap clean energy from fusion, etc. – which so far have not panned out. My unconstructive grievance is that the laws of physics are holding us back from achieving a utopian existence.