USA not in Place drop-down for Identify

I’m using Chrome. USA isn’t in the drop-down menu of Places when I am in Identify mode.

The state of Oregon is also missing. If USA and OR are missing, I’m guessing others are as well.


I just had a similar problem with the state of Ohio.

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Texas is missing as a Place in Identify, too. Though I suppose it’s possible that it has finally seceded from the USA…


I can confirm the issue for the states. I can still get the United States in Identify, and it does work. It is my default, but I can also get to it after switching to another location.

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I was able to get the state of Ohio when I finally gave in and typed “Ohio, USA” but it wouldn’t pull it up before that.


We’re taking a look.


Same issue(s) here. Two temporary workarounds: (1) Type, for example “Ohio, US” and it’ll pull up the state (like @m_whitson mentioned); or (2) You can enter the location ID directly into your query, like this

Last night, right before the planned downtime, I was in Identify mode ID’ing Texas plants. Right after the planned downtime I tried to do some more, but Texas was missing from the menu of places. I decided Texas temporarily missing was surely a feature, not a bug, and went to bed. :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyway, perhaps related to something done during the downtime?

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Some places were not indexed with a search rank when we came back online. We’re reindexing them now. US and US states are looking pretty good, other places will be improved throughout the day. Sorry about this!


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