Viewing Boxes for Small Fishes

I’m looking to get into dipnetting and have tried a little bit of macrophotography so am hoping to combine the two. Do y’all have any specific recommendations for observation boxes (I hope that’s the term: these are what I’m talking about)? Ideally I’d also like them to get photos of any small trout I catch on rod and reel so being able to fit fish in the 6-8 in. range would be a nice plus.


The only decent ones out there used to be but he has been taking a break for a while but you can use his design for inspiration, especially the slanted back wall which helps with photography

Your best bet is to make one yourself out of Polycarbonate or Acrylic.
You can buy large sheets of either material and cut it yourself, or you can order custom sizes relatively inexpensively form a company like SendCutSend
Once you have the pieces, Polycarbonate can be glued together with a methyl methacrylate adhesive (better but harder to find) or a cyanoacrylate adhesive(super glue and easier to find), Acrylic can be glued with a commercially available acrylic adhesive(also called acrylic cement) usually made with a methyl methacrylate or dichloromethane base.

Also if you are looking for the best possible dipnet out there for collecting fish for nature photography, me and many others would highly recommend these:


Angler’s Emporium carries some. They were sold out but it looks like they have the Promarine brand back in stock.

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Some other options:

You could send the user of that observation a message to ask them
(not cheap but supports an org local to you)
(different form, uk based, don’t know if they ship to us
(good instructions)

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Thanks! Ordered one of the nets earlier today :)

I looked into the top one and while I do really want to purchase it, I think it’s a tough sell to myself and my parents springing for one that is 10x the price of the promarine ones… thank you for the product suggestions though!

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