As for the common names, this poses a problem. Do both species now have the same common name, or does the common name kick up a level to genus, so neither species now has a common name? I hate common names!
Note that there has also been a taxon change from the misspelling Hypoblemum albovitattum to the correct spelling Hypoblemum albovittatum!
THEN a swap committed by you!
I’m unclear what you are asking or suggesting, Yes I made that change almost a month ago, because that’s what the World Spider Catalog published.
Then it became clear they had not fully accounted for the change.’
This is the change I was referring to
I was just pointing out that the changes were complex. Was the person who did the change based on spelling a spiders curator?
The change you refer to was committed by an staff member, wasn’t it? i.e. @loarie
That change didn’t create the N.Z. problem!
The spelling change was done several years ago, before taxa curators were in place when any curator could make any change.
I missed the fact they were different people who wrote and ran the most recent change
All good, but the fact remains that you ran the change that caused the problems for use in N.Z.! I’m not suggesting bad faith or anything, but it kind of makes me scratch my head at when you said:
Im not sure what has happened here. I was setting up the groundwork with atlases (which was the root of this topic) etc to run the split, but had not implemented yet. In the interim another curator ran a change.
I assumed you were speaking in the context of the N.Z. problems, but that was all you!
You know what, you are a curator too, so go suspend my account then, I’ve reached the point where I no longer give a toss about it,.
Well that was uncalled for! I was just trying to get the facts straight. Surely, you can see that it had got a bit confused? I was just pointing out that the taxon change which caused the problems for N.Z. was run by you! You inadvertently made all our albovittatum into scutulatum! Nobody ran any taxon changes that they were not authorised to run. Those are the facts. I’m making no judgements regarding those facts.
Yes, I screwed up. To be clear the ‘dont give a toss’ is about dealing with the constant negativity of trying to help out on the site. And i have simply reached the point where I no longer care if I do it any further, or participate in any way.
I agree that there are issues on the site in general, but the present issue isn’t a biggie. You were waiting for a reply from iNat admin about what you saw as a possible curator security breach, and I was just trying to tell you that there wasn’t one!
Is there anything still actually needing doing to tidy up Hypoblemum on iNat? The common names issue is a bit unclear. If there is, then maybe you should help, but otherwise we can move on now, I think.
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