Just curious as to why users must activate / create a separate account to use the forum rather than just using the forum from within iNaturalist and using our same user account on iNaturalist. The on-boarding process to access and add forum posts was cumbersome. Any clarity?
You can just log in here with your iNat account though, but forum is on a separate platform.
Many thanks @fffffffff - are there forum discussions specific to specific iNat projects?
You can use search function to see if partial theme was discussed, but yeah, you can totally discuss projects here!
Welcome to the Forum!
What @fffffffff said. This forum is on a different website/platform from iNat. The only rule I know about is that it is NOT a place to ask about ID’s. The curators may shift the content to a different category, but most iNat questions are fair game.
Hi Greg - iNat used to use Google Groups and you can read some of the reasons for switching to the Discourse platform here https://groups.google.com/g/inaturalist/c/wYoffcaId50/m/k-eoSWFQDwAJ and here https://groups.google.com/g/inaturalist/c/72l44kifzsM/m/7-OLse_YAAAJ
And as far as why it’s not fully integrated into the website, I assume due to a cost-benefit analysis of using a ready-made product (Discourse) vs. investing the time to develop all of that in-house with a small staff.
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