Platform: any? can’t remember where all it applies, e.g. Android too? or only web?
Description of problem: When the iNaturalist taxon ID and Wikipedia article link are connected via Wikidata, the iNaturalist taxon page should automatically display the correct Wikipedia page for each language. This feature was implemented in November 2020.
It’s currently not making that link correctly, and seems to be only searching for the taxon name or whatever is entered under “Wikipedia title” on the taxon edit page, as it used to.
This causes issues when the main Wikipedia article with that name is not about the taxon, for example.
- Garifuna - should automatically link to Garifuna (fly) and not Garifuna (see Wikidata)
What the About tab for Garifuna currently shows (incorrect):
Everything is linked up correctly via Wikidata:
Taxon edit page:
Gustavia - should automatically link to Gustavia (plant) in English and Gustavia (género) in Spanish among others, see discussion where an undesirable workaround had to be implemented (see Wikidata)
Heterotis - the taxon is edited to manually refer to Heterotis (plant), but now nothing appears when you are viewing iNat in Spanish which is unfortunate since the Spanish article is more detailed (see Wikidata)
Heterotis taxon page in Spanish:
Heterotis edit taxon page settings:
- Mammalia - one of the original issues/examples I reported, is back to pointing to the film in Dutch instead of Zoogdieren (see Wikidata)
- Parodia links to the wrong page in Spanish (Parodia instead of Parodia (planta) even though it is correctly linked via Wikidata - previously referenced here on the forum