15 for me. Surprised by “strider”
I have under 10,000 observations total, and left this running overnight (11 hours now) and it hasn’t changed at all. I think we overloaded it with requests.
Got 25% … nice
Have the same and checked… there is for sure a bug. I have some observations in some distance in one day… but more like 100km maybe… or maybe even only 50 km? … might be a typo with a 0 to much
Thanks! I didn’t know you could do that
I think you’re right. I found one day with about 430 km between my observations, but that’s the most.
Love this idea! Hopefully you can figure out the daily cap issue.
This is a really cool idea!
Super cool idea. Thanks Henry! I have ~9600 obs, and it loaded pretty quickly after a refresh on the first attempt.
Why typo though? I have it completed by 315% (from those 10k obs out of 66 it checked). 500km is not too much.
As Marina mentioned, I must not understand what the problem is. @egordon88, it says 88% completed and 88% of 500 km is 440 km. Mine is at 310% completed because I have observations that are roughly 1,550 km apart in a day.
Click on each one and a tooltip will appear.
When a day starts on iNat? It’s 4a.m. but it’s still at 10k
Not sure it helps, but looking in the web console when it got stuck for me - loading the observations themselves only took 2 or 3 seconds - what it spends hours on is loading every single inaturalist taxon afterwards with 1000ds of requests like this:
GET https://api.inaturalist.org/v1/taxa/152965
Depending on what those requests are for maybe you could get the same information in another way, or load 200 of them in one request instead of in 200 requests each loading a single taxon.
Because when I looked at my observations that were used to give me expert in that achievement, they are not even 100km apart
I know, still don’t get why I got some of those achievement and some not
It shows all observations of that day for me, could you please post the map it creates for you? Maybe it is bugged if it shows incorrect data.
@elias105 Noted, thanks. When I worked on that achievement the ancestors’ taxon ranks weren’t part of the observation (or at least I didn’t see where to find it - I’ll have another look). As a result I need to lookup the rank of the first 2-7 ancestor taxa individually and cache the results in the browser’s local storage (thus it should only need to lookup a taxon once, not thousands of times).