Bug? Feature request? (tis the season for YIR thanks and complaints)
First, the new graphic that is generated for social media shares of the Year in Review is super cool. Thanks for that!!
A few days ago when I checked my YIR, I saw I was close to 8,000 IDs and thought it might be nice to set that as a year-end goal. But according to the API I already have over 10K for the year, so I tried to square why these stats don’t tally the same in different places.
It looks like the YIR only shows IDs made on Needs ID and Research Grade observations. I’m not sure whether or not this was intentional, but I think unintentional, because when you click the link, it brings you to a page not filtered to exclude Casual obs, and because the YIR does display and tally Casual observations that I made.
Comparison of stats in different places:
ID Category | YIR | /identifications | API | API, excluding Casual obs |
Improving | 1,862 | 2,505 | 2,505 | 1,862 |
Leading | 1,983 | 2,650 | 2,650 | 1,983 |
Supporting | 4,049 | 4,965 | 4,965 | 4,049 |
Maverick | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 |
Total | 7,895 | 10,122 | 10,489 ?? | 8,208 ?? |
YIR, left and /identifications, right
Secondary issue: I’m not sure how the API totals (i.e. when not searching for a specific ID category) aren’t the same number as when you sum up all the categories. (Edit: moved that one to its own topic: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/many-ids-have-id-category-null/19061)