Zoom or filter the history graph on taxon pages

Platform(s): website

URLs : taxon pages

Description of need:
The history graph is pretty useless if there is very old data for that taxon.

A sample screenshot:

We need some way to zoom in or filter on time ranges.

Feature request details:
TBH I don’t care much how this would be addressed. I just think that monthly data is useful and I want to be able to view that from the last few years somehow. Doesn’t need to be super-comfortable.

this might actually be a bug. the description of the history tab indicates that the chart is supposed to show only the last 10 years:


This chart shows the number of observations of this taxon by month for the last ten years. Again, it is biased by the number of people observing, but it will show you unusual spikes in observations, and if it seems flat or decreasing despite an increasing number of observers, that might suggest a change in abundance.

that said, if you just want to see a chart in the meantime, you can always use the data from the API via GET /v1/observations/histogram. here’s an example of page that could help visualize the data in a chart: https://jumear.github.io/stirfry/iNatAPIv1_observation_histogram?taxon_id=484046&interval=month&d1=2015-01-01.


Nice workaround. Thanks!

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What’s the URL for the taxon where that graph appears?


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Thanks. We did update some stuff for graphs in the past few weeks so this might be a bug. Embarrasingly, I don’t remember exactly how it worked in the past as I didn’t use it much, but I think it was just a ten year moveable window. Made an issue here: https://github.com/inaturalist/inaturalist/issues/3703

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i believe the way it used to work was that if you didn’t specify a particular date range, the API would respond with a default number of intervals appropriate for the specified interval. so i think that was controlled on the back end rather than on the front end, although having ways to control the parameters on the front end might be a nice improvement, if it can be done in a way that is not overly clunky.