Can we please have a “History” graph (as can be seen on any taxon page) on classical, collection and umbrella projects.
This is the second question I am asked to report on for projects after what did you achieve: “is the project still popular and viable?”
Something like this would do:
Depending on the collection project, I’m not sure this would measure viability with any accuracy since the observations aren’t purposefully added to the project. I can see it working for traditional ones.
It would be extremely helpful for collection projects as it would still show levels of engagement in the region.
This is something I’ve wanted for a while and actually asked about a while back. The only way to get the info needed was to go through the API, download the info, then graph it in Excel.
It would be really nice if there was an automated chart like the above generated or each project, taxon, etc.
I disagree.
A purely passive project is a waste of time; Just construct a filter and bookmark it.
Projects are started by people who want to achieve something (whether or not they actively encourage others to contribute to it). And one of the measures of success and progress is how the input is performing compared to the past: to last year, to seasons, or to special events (either by the users - like bioblitzes or CNCs - or the subjects - like masting or emergence).
It also allows one to see if this is a project worth contributing to, and exciting increasing interest, or a historical project that is just bumbling along passively, or in decline.
Just because a project is not a traditional project, does not mean users are not passionate about it and improving or monitoring the rate and pattern of observations.
In fact, I can imagine (passive) projects where the graph is the most important reason for creating the project. For instance, bud burst or flowering in a species of tree in a state or city: is it changing from year to year due to climate change, global warming, rainfall or whatever?
The graph shown above is for the Western Leopard Toad: 95% of sightings take place over two weeks during the breeding season. How does that vary in intensity, in amplitude, and shift between years and is there any pattern? Exciting stuff!
In fact, traditional projects provide this data, just not as a graph: see
To be clear, I think this is a fine idea, I was just pointing out that the graph wouldn’t always necessarily show excitement about a collection project, depending on the circumstances. It also totally could, though.