Platform Windows
Browser Chrome
Screenshots of what you are seeing Just a blank page with:
" 504 Gateway Time-out
Description of problem
Go to ‘places’
Click ‘create new place’
Upload KML file and enter all other information:
- Name: Central American Pacific Coast
- Parent: North America
- Place Type: Land Feature
Create place. It takes a very long time to load, and eventually returns the error page.
I do not have any network issues. The KML file was created on, the area is a single polygon. I tried to upload both the entire map with the polygon, and just the polygon on its own. I made sure it was KML and not KMZ. I have tried several times today at different times. The KML file does not surpass the file size limit, but I still attempted to create one with less points on the polygon to no success.
All relevant files here: