A collection project only from certain surveys

I would like to create a collection which includes odonate nymphs observations by project members, so far that’s easy enough. But… not all odonate nymphs by project members, only certain ones, in particular ones that were collected on certain surveys. They all share this added field: “2x4 Odonate Survey Unit”.

Is it possible to make an Added Field a qualifying property for a project?

I wouldn’t mind adding them manually. But I’m not sure how to set that up either. The project populates automatically with all my odonate nymph observations. I don’t want them all, just the ones from certain surveys.

I know I could create a different user name to accomplish this but I would prefer these survey results remain with my user name. Others may be adding data to this collection too. The one quality they all share is the added field.


if the purpose of the project is just so you can see all of these records in the one convenient place, you can do this by constructing a URL that you can then bookmark

First, here is a URL which will show you all observations of odonates for which that observation field has been added: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?taxon_id=47792&field:2x4%20Odonate%20Survey%20Unit

to then restrict this to certain users, just add the following text directly to the end of the URL: &user_id=name1,name2

replacing the names with the usernames you want

That will work, and what a handy trick! I can use this for other added fields. “head width” comes to mind. I have wanted to take a look a look at that data by itself. I don’t think I will need to add the user limit, no one else uses that field. But should it come up, now I know what to do.

But no, the purpose is not to see them all in one place, it is for exporting the data for further use. I have saved this reply for the future.


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no worries

using this method also allows you to export the data for further use

at the link, just click on the filters box, and at the bottom right corner of the pop-up, there’s a ‘download’ button

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