Broken link to forum topic from iNat dashboard

ok. let’s break it down…

in the thread that i referenced earlier, you had a case where a link to a forum thread was taking you to the wrong thread. it looked like what was happening there is that because the title of the thread began and ended with a number, it looked like Discourse was redirecting you to a forum thread with the ID that corresponded with the leading number in the title of original thread.

in this thread, the OP is saying the link to the forum thread on the iNat home page is taking you to an error page in the forum. applying the same logic as above, since this new thread has a title that begins and ends with a number, Discourse is probably trying to redirect you to thread 6 (, which doesn’t exist, and that’s probably why you’re seeing an error page when you click on the link.

here are some example links that may or may not help clarify what i’m talking about:

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