An analogy if it helps:
I can get into any car that I am not used to driving, and I could list several dozen problems with the setup. Let’s take the handbrake:
If it doesn’t work, then it’s a bug (fault) and needs to be fixed
If it’s on the wrong side of the seat, then it is a feature that I need to get used to using
If it’s unable to be used as a handbrake because it can’t be reached on that side of the seat, then it would be a feature request to have it moved elsewhere.
It is unrealistic to expect every car manufacturer to alter their vehicles to be exactly like every other car on the road… but of course there are some things you would expect to be the same. If everything is the same, then how does the technology develop and improve?
I guess what I am saying, when I say it is a feature and not a bug, is that it is designed that way and new users should try and learn to use it that way. Just saying “the vast majority of users think this is a bug” does not make it so… If you can show that it is routinely being interpreted incorrectly, then that is a different story…
Take a restaurant that has cutlery set out on a table. If, as a new diner to that restaurant, I sit down at that table and pick up a piece of that cutlery and try to cut my steak with it, but it is a fork and doesn’t do the job very well, I might suggest that they put a sharp edge on every implement so that no matter what piece I pick up it will cut the steak. Or, I can realise that this restaurant sets out the table a little differently to how I normally experience, and I can look before i pick up the cutlery and get the right one. With a little pracise, I will be able to know which one to pick up without looking… but it certainly isn’t going to be a need to change how the restaurant operates. This is what i mean by a feature that is working as designed, and that the user just needs to learn to use. compare that to a “westerner” in an “eastern” restaurant, where there are no knives and forks, and everything is eaten by chopsticks. If the market is westerners, then they would be best to design the cutlery around western diners, or at least to cater for them by having dual options.
iNat is a system with a few “hidden” or undocumented features, and most software and online systems are somewhat like that. It’s like walking into an eastern restaurant, knowing that things are going to be a little bit of a learning curve, and actively giving the chopsticks a go… the bug would be “my chopsticks aren’t on the table”. It’s not a bug if the chopsticks are there, but wrapped up in a serviette and you didn’t realise it.
Things aren’t broken just because they don’t work the way you expect them to work.