Can't crop photo's in Android app 1.23.0 (489)

Platform (Android):

App version number: 1.23.0 (489)

Step 1: Add a photo to your observation in the Android app

Step 2: Double click on the icon of your photo

Step 3: A new screen opens with right left an Edit-con. I do not see the photo to be edited. I do not see the photo and when I click the Edit icon nothing happens.

Xiaomia Poco X3

I don’t have this issue. Same version. Have you tried restarting the app or your device?

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Thanks, I already thought about a local problem cause noone else is mentioning it. It might be related to free space on my phone. After reboot iNaturalst crashes…

It might be worth sending logs to the developers. You can do this by tapping the version number 3 times in the app.

I updated the old version with a new one 1.23.1 (490) and cropping is possible. Thank you for the update.
App version number : 1.23.1 (490)