Another minor gripe: when you’re on the observation upload page, you can’t change the position of the cursor in the Description field with the mouse. You get a cursor icon when you mouse over the field, but clicking has no effect on the active (blinking) cursor. You can move the cursor with arrow keys, Home/End, etc., so you can always get it where you need it, but would often be easier just to put it right where you want it with a single click (and this from someone who favors the keyboard over the mouse). I can’t remember if this has come up before - it’s a small problem, but is the sort of niggly little detail that would be a nice thing to see fixed.
I can’t reproduce your issue. If I understood this problem correctly, then it is working fine for me.
But, as someone who has dabbled in a lot of coding for web design over the years, this seems the kind of issue that is very browser-specific and system-specific, so you might need to give more details of the system you are using.
Windows 10 Pro v. 1803, Firefox 67.0. I will see if I can recreate it in Chrome.
Looks like I get correct cursor behavior in Chrome, so I guess it’s a Firefox-only issue.
I use firefox and I have the same issue, you can still move the cursor in the description box at the left side of your screen though, just not in the observation itself.
Yes, this is a Firefox issue and unfortunately there’s not much we can do about it. I use Firefox as well, and as @afid says you can edit the text using the tools on the left-hand column.