I tried to combine three observations into one during upload but it didn’t work. Now they are in the system as separate obs. How do I combine them after upload?
You can’t once they have been created as individual records, there is no merge functionality available.
You can add pics to an existing observation using the “edit” functionality, so you could delete two and then upload those pics to the other. A little bit of effort, but it will work!
And, for the next time you upload, look here https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/cannot-post-multiple-photos-to-one-observation/1822 for several ways to combine photos/observations when uploading via computer.
Short tutorial video for adding photos or sounds to an observation via the web: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/video+tutorials#addmedia
OK, thanks, everyone. I think I will just trust that people can figure out that all three observations are of the same organism.
it would be better to merge them if you can, but won’t break anything if you don’t! Easiest way is to drag from filemanager the extra photos and drop them onto the image in the observation view. Delete is an option on the edit drop-down on the observation page.
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