Displaying photos in the app

Android 1.30.15 (608) vs. browser: Firefox

Hello colleagues,

I have a problem displaying photos in the app. With the exception of the last seven records, the preview photos do not appear in the application, also when I open individual records, instead of images I see only a gray field, the same when I open the edit. I don’t see any problem when I work through the web interface.

Thanks for any opinions or solutions.
Mgr. Michal Honskus

Example: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/241256271


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Mine does it too. And in observation list, sometimes, the shield that marks IDs vanish.

Sometimes it always happened, for example when the application failed to load due to a bad internet connection, it was enough to open it again and everything was OK. Now, however, the problem has been going on for three days and is not changing.

This is usually due to some sort caching issue. Try logging out and logging back in.

Thank you very much @tiwane, problem solved!

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