Editing Location

Is there an easy way to bulk edit all of my observations from a certain location. I’m trying to change the name of my most frequented location to match the name of a project location. Short of that is there a way to search for all of my observations for a certain location and start changing them that way. In all either I or iNaturalist seems to struggle with fully utilizing locations. Perhaps I’m just more used to ebirds hotpots though that has issues too. With that I’m still trying to change a public hotspot from restricted access when it’s been open for years now. Thank you,

Adam Schaffer

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you could accomplish this using some variation of the process described here: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/is-there-a-way-to-batch-edit-my-old-observation-locations/28996/12

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Thank you, but I still haven’t found anything useful. I can only find a way to search for publicly named locations, not a way to search for observations from a location I named and have used as a pinned location.

i’m just guessing here, but based on what you’ve written, it sounds like you want these observations at the Ozark Natural Science Center (ONSC): https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?nelat=36.26&nelng=-93.70&swlat=36.255&swlng=-93.705&user_id=adamschaffer&subview=map

… to be included in the Bear Hollow Natural Area project: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/bear-hollow-natural-area

i’m guessing that you believe that changing the location description on these observations will allow them to be associated with the Bear Hollow Natural Area place, which will then allow these observations to be included in the place and therefore the project.

it’s worth noting that changing the location description wouldn’t associate your observations with a particular place or project. to make that kind of association, you’d actually have to make sure the coordinates of your observations fall within the boundaries of the place, which can only be done either by changing the place boundaries or by changing your observations coordinates.

that said, if you still want to change the location description on your observations, and if there’s not an existing iNat place that encompasses these observations, you can still find them using either of the following methods:


in the Edit Screen, before you select your observations to be edited:

  1. open up the Search section
  2. in the Search input field, type the location description that you used for your observations / pinned location (ex. “ONSC”), and then select “Place Name” in the dropdown menu to the right
  3. click the search button.

that should effectively give you back results such as you would get here:


if you didn’t use the same location description on your observations to be changed, then you might be able to find them based on a bounding box, which you could define manually in the URL or by using the appropriate NE/SW lat/long input fields (next to the place input field) in the Search section of the edit screen.

for example, if these are the observations you’re interested in: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?nelat=36.26&nelng=-93.70&swlat=36.255&swlng=-93.705&user_id=adamschaffer&subview=map

… then you could edit those observations from this URL:

by the way – i was thinking of taking a little trip to NW Arkansas when it’s just a bit warmer. i have Crystal Bridges and Bentonville town square on my potential list of stops. since it looks like you’re a local, do you have any thoughts on good natural areas or other places to visit in the area?


We have some nice natural space here in Bentonville. My yard is adjacent to the Coler Preserve and I visit it often. It’s starting to struggle with invasives a bit but should still be a good place for spring ephemerals and other wildflowers peaking the last week of March through most of April with it’s highest peak the first week of April. It’s also a good place for migratory songbirds which peak from April through the second week of May. It’s more back loaded though with the highest peak the first week of May. Coler is more mesic so you get a more Eastern feeling biota. It’s really known for it’s mountain biking. If you bike at all, bring one for sure. We are becoming quite the destination. If you’re looking for more nature observation come early. The same would be true for any trails in town.
For a more western feel, and fewer people, head to Chesney Prairie Natural Area between Gentry and Siloam Springs or the state fish hatchery in Centerton. The fish hatchery is one of the best places in the state to study shorebirds. They peak earlier than songbirds, starting now through early May. If you are up for more driving, hiking, and elevation, I like Devils Eyebrow Natural Area on the eastern edge of the county near Beaver Lake. Our Ozark hills can give a new habitat around every corner. I often linger past twilight. You can hit the nightjar trifecta there and many owls as well. I’ll usually take at least one trip there in early May. It’s also known for several rare plant species. Whitney Mountain is worth a stop in route to Devils Eyebrow. That area has breeding Cerulean Warblers and other birds more commonly associated with the Appalachians. The intersection of the highway and Shafer Rd. there is a good place especially for Ceruleans. The trails around Crystal Bridges are a nice outdoor space as well and Hobbs State Park is a popular hiking destination. I find the short Sinking Stream Trail and adjacent Van Winkle Trail there to be the most interesting ecologically.
Thank you for attempting to help. I now understand that because the small area of the Ozark Natural Science Center grounds is not technically part of the Bear Hollow Natural Area, observations from there or that include that in it’s circle, won’t count for their project. I don’t wish to sort through all of my observations to see which would or would not count and then modifying their locations. Most are many years old anyway and I wouldn’t really be sure.
I hope you enjoy your stay in Bentonville.

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