EOL or WP on Apopellia endiviifolia page

The issue is on iNat’s website, only on Apopellia endiviifolia page https://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/1020161-Apopellia-endiviifolia , in French, About (“À propos” in French) tab.

Usually, the "À propos’ (About) tab shows an article from wikipedia, with “Source : Wikipedia” in the heading and a link to wikipedia’s article about the taxon.

Here, I’ve got “Source: EOL” and the link leads to EOL’s https://eol.org/pages/52186649 . In spite of this heading, the text of the tab is a “brief summary” (copied from wikipedia) followed by wikipedia’s article about Apopellia endiviifolia.

This seems like normal behaviour, you’ll find the Wikipedia text in multiple languages in the “articles” tab on EOL. I honestly think it’s a nice solution given that the taxon name used by French Wikipedia differs from that used by iNat.

I described an issue with the EOL source here:

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