Export list of all uploaded image file-names

Using the export data feature, it would be great if I could find out what the names of the images I’ve uploaded are. When you’re dealing with over 10,000 observation photos, it would be really handy to know which you’ve already uploaded and which you still need to upload. It would be really helpful for organisation: it would reduce duplicate uploads and ensure you don’t omit any that should be uploaded.

Thanks for the consideration


The original file name is not retained when the photo is uploaded, so that would have to be changed as well. Of course this would only work going forwards after it was changed, the existing ones are gone.

The only option I can think of is to try and do it by matching up timestamps, but that could be very time consuming.

There should be a feature request to save the signature of a photo and compare new uploaded photos with photos already on internet. But I could not find it…


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Such feature is very needed. Uploaded file names allow to mach observations in the iNaturalist database with observations in personal databases or lists on the personal computer.

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Yes I absolutely agree, it would be an enormous help in keeping my archives updated. Being able to search by filename would also be great (yes, I KNOW that would be another feature, just thought I’d mention it in passing :upside_down_face:.).

I know it’s not the same as an export, but for a while now you have been able to see a photo’s filename if you uploaded the photo. Go to the photo’s page and it’s under the rotate buttons.


I’m going to close this request. You can now see filenames of your photos, which you should be able to match with your photo management software.