Hello! I was wondering if there was any way for me to find observations with privated locations. Many of these observations go unidentified for a long time and I would like to filter for them specifically so that IDs can be added. I don’t know how to do this however.
Any suggestions?
That got me curious, because I did not know that there are taxa which are automatically made private, as in iNat’s geoprivacy rather than the user’s. But yes, I see it now: a species for which observations in specific counties are automatically private.
Wow. I just went through the ones with taxon_geoprivacy-private. It got rather tedious correcting one alleged “American ginseng” after another to Jack-in-the-pulpit. It seems that just about anything with palmately compound leaves looks like “ginseng” to some people: Virginia creeper, seedling hickory, Prenanthes, even a shrub with simple leaves arranged around the stem, which, viewed from above, apparently looked like a compound leaf.
Oh, yes, and two – from different observers – of bittersweet nighshade! It’s pretty scary when people think that deadly poisonous plants are ginseng!
And one closeup of a fruit of a strawberry bush, with no leaves visible. What exactly is people’s search image for ginseng?
If any of you know confidently what isn’t a Golden Eagle, please go through those observations. There were an awful lot of alleged “Golden Eagles” of which I was doubtful but couldn’t be sure.