iNaturalist will be offline for up to 5 hours beginning at 7 pm Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7) on Thursday, April 13 (that’s UTC 02:00 on April 14). Click to see in your local time .
During these several hours, you will not be able to post observations from the mobile apps or interact with the website or API in any way. The iNatForum will still be active.
The timing will likely be most inconvenient for those in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. We apologize in advance for anyone who is inconvenienced. Please make other plans during that time.
Similar to past scheduled downtimes, this maintenance is required to better manage iNaturalist’s growing dataset but these behind-the-scenes improvements to the database will not be visible.
Out of curiosity, does the forum typically get more views/engagement during scheduled downtime? I certainly find myself coming here more when my original plan was foiled.
Hmmm, dunno about this time - seems pretty quiet, unlike some past downtimes. Maybe western hemisphere folks are taking the opportunity to catch up with the rest of their lives.
Just thinking that a lot of the iNat population who would “normally” be online during this particular downtime period would be located in the western hemisphere, but since forum traffic seems pretty level, maybe people are doing other things with the time instead?
We were, heavily engaged offline, once before when the servers went down unexpectedly. When I realised I login here with my iNat profile. If that is down, I have the forum bookmarked for logged out, can read (it’s public!) but can’t engage.
PS may or may not be related, but yesterday pictures were loading agonisingly slowly
one line of pixels at a time.
Today they pop up promptly, as expected.