GBIF link on taxon map goes to genus instead of species within Urocitellus

I’m not sure if this should be a flag instead of a bug report – I don’t think curators can do anything about it, so I think it’s a bug?

On every taxon page species map in the genus Urocitellus, the GBIF observations are genus level instead of species level. So here’s Urocitellus beldingi, and when I turn on GBIF observations, it’s showing everything GBIF has from the whole genus and the GBIF link is to the genus.

Not really a bug, just a data error in the cross-reference links, but it can be fixed.


  • go to and locate the relevant species page. In this case
  • note the species ID number in the URL
  • return to taxon page and go to taxonomy tab
  • click on taxon schemes, find GBIF and hit edit
  • replace value in the source identifier box with the species ID number from above and save, not sure if you have to reload the page to clear any cache etc

(already done here)


Thanks, I’ve never really used taxon schemes since they don’t seem to do much. Just need to go fix up the rest of the species in this genus…

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