Genus filter in Taxon Scheme page doesn't seem to work

There is a webpage that allows you to see all the taxa associated with a given taxon scheme. For example, this shows the taxa that are set up with the GBIF taxon scheme (

On that page, there’s a genus filter, but it doesn’t seem to work. For example, I know that genus Rudbeckia and Rudbeckia hirta are both tied to GBIF. So I would expect that if I input genus Rudbeckia into the filter on the page, I should get back only taxa under genus Rudbeckia which are tied to GBIF. Instead, I get a “Genera only please” message, with no other results (✓&filters[taxon_scheme_id]=27&filters[taxon_id]=62742):

Besides the filter not working, I think it would be useful if each of the taxon records returned included the identifier for the taxon scheme. I can see the identifier on the taxon schemes page for a given taxon (ex., and I think including the identifier on the taxon schemes page filtered by a particular genus would give a nice way to see where there might be incorrect setups. For example, right now, I have to visit 2 different pages to see that genus Rudbeckia and Rudbeckia hirta are set up with the same GBIF identifier. So it would be nice to see all the Rudbeckia taxa together with their GBIF identifiers to be able to be able to quickly spot and correct issues.