Anyone have any good recommendations on movies, videos, or podcasts that are great to learn about nature in a general sense? I have access to “Kanopy” through my local library which is like a “Netflix” for education (and they also have lots of critically acclaimed or indie films on there). I’ve been watching a docuseries by “The Great Courses” on “Introduction to Botany” which has been amazing so far and I was listening to a podcast by “The Happy Pear” with Ali McKernan (“The FUNgi Guy”) on a beginners guide to fungi and heard about a documentary called “Fantastic Fungi”.
I also discovered a podcast called “In Defense of Plants” which was still a little over my head, but interesting.
Ologies is my absolute favorite. Not every episode is about nature, but many of them are — lots about mammals, insects, marine life, etc. You can browse episodes by topic here.
I was just coming here to suggest GSN. The host Michelle took the California Naturalist certification class at Effie Yeaw Nature Center in the class immediately after I did. One of my recent favorite episodes was on the La Brea tar pits. Really interesting stuff.
I really enjoy “The Wild Times Podcast”; inside the channel you’ve got three different podcasts that talk about animals. If you have time, check it out.