Favourite/Recommend movies and documentaries on Nature

I need some movies and documentaries :movie_camera: to watch :watch:. I got the idea :bulb:to watch a movie or documentaries :movie_camera: on nature. What are some of your favorite/recommendations :heart: on nature/animals movies and documentariesā€‹:thinking:?

Edit: Thanks for all the recommendations! Seems like this topic is getting some new users to post so thatā€™s good. I have a huge watchlist right now! Keep them coming!

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My Octopus Teacher.


This is one of my favourite nature documentaries. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJMZ6reOB0E


Welcome to the Forum!


Beautiful People (1974)


Not a nature documentary, but an animated film with strong themes of nature: ā€œNausicaƤ of the Valley of the Windā€ is one of my favorite films


thank you

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There are so many! Is there any particular category or genre youā€™re looking for? And what streaming services do you have (if any)? Netflix has quite a few good BBC nature documentaries, Disney+ has Disneynature and National Geographic, and CuriosityStream has a lot of good French- and German-produced nature shows that I havenā€™t seen elsewhere. Just a few favorites:


Looked it up! Seems like a good oneā€¦ will watch it soon!

I canā€™t find that one on Google! What is it about?

An anime film! Is it good?

Which Language?

I havenā€™t seen the movie, but I read the books and thought it was pretty good.

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Because it is often under a longer name: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071143/

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Yes, as absolutely every anime movie by Hayao Miyazaki. Every single one made by him is a masterpiece and often tells about conflict of humans and nature. Sometimes indirectly.


March of the Penguins
Winged Migration (Watch only on a big screen. On a small screen it is not worthwhile).
Blue Planet


Got it!

Thanks for letting me know! Added to watch list.

Interesting thread: you asked for movies, and a lot of people are suggesting documentaries. I can see why. I donā€™t know how it is in other countriesā€™ movie industries, but Hollywood is so wrongheaded about nature, I sure wouldnā€™t recommend anything from there as ā€œa movie on nature.ā€ (After all, this is the industry that excreted ā€œSharknadoā€ and ā€œSnakes on a Plane.ā€) Thatā€™s why I am glad that @jurga_li mentioned Hayao Miyazaki ā€“ I will have to check those out.

It does bother me that people can still relate to the Batman trope of someone with Poison Ivyā€™s powers being a villain. (Or Reginald Bushroot, if you remember the Darkwing Duck cartoons.) It shows that attitudes toward nature have not changed as much as we would like.