How do I modify the least observed species URL to restrict the search to a country?

I use this for the world.

Least observed species:

I would like to be able to restrict it to a certain place, specifically Fiji. I found the place id for Fiji and tried this:


Any help would be appreciated thanks.

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You are very welcome @ruth-palsson but no tech-guru I, I confess I only tapped the Filter box, then typed “Fiji” in the drop-down, then clicked Update.


Good thinking!!

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So it comes down to the fact that this is an external site which, therefore, does not use iNaturalist’s place id’s

Well, it works with iNaturalist’s “place” (really place_id, a number, e.g. 7332 for ‘Fiji’)… provided the URL is written correctly ;)
should have been
and then it works beautifully.


Not when I use it, it doesn’t. It removes the place_id section and gives me the list unfiltered by place.

Might be an issue with your browser (some ad/script filtering?)

How it is supposed to appear (here tested under a plain Windows/MSEdge browser):

Ruth, I am so glad the extremely simple solution I found worked for you. And Fiji being only only 4 characters to type was a bonus!

(My experience was that the drop-down menu was very user-friendly, but apparently there may be additional, more complicated ways that may also work, should you wish to explore adding additional steps.)