The main difficulty I have had with the website on a mobile device is trying to select several photos to combine or fill in data for all at the same time.
Yes, same. plus the screen often gets stuck in one place where I cannot do anything, or move or a different area of the page
We have buttons! Only with the bird though, so they’re a bit hard to find.
I’ve just looked at the store. Why are the hats I like called ‘dad hats’ (@charlie ) seems to be wearing one. Yes, I’m a father, but really!!
Any chance of getting the touques/watch caps (beanies) in wool? Wool is my preferred hat in the winter.
do you know anyone who knits? (if not, it looks like there are plenty of people willing to knit custom stuff for you. for example:
Ha! well i am a dad
Me too, but it sounds like a put down of us oldsters! Dad jokes, dad body, now dad hats. I’m outraged, outraged I tell you!!
I will be buying one, perhaps two.
How about printed (with theiNat logo, naturally) on the back of one of those stainless steel mirror/business cards?
Mirror would very handy for mushroom underside shots. (And even a nice pocket survival tool).
is this design still on the way at some point?
I think it would be cool and fun if we could donate designs to the iNaturalist store! I just learned how to make things look like neon lights in GIMP (like photoshop, but open source and free), and though I don’t have any money to donate to iNaturalist, I think it’d be cool if I could make some designs to donate to the store, where iNaturalist gets ownership over them and all the profit :) (I don’t care about making money, lol, which is why all my observation photos and sounds are public domain!)
Is there a method to submit product suggestions to the store?
Since the iNat Store is with Threadless now, we can only carry items that Threadless carries. If you’d like to suggest things for Threadless to add, you can use the contact button in the upper right here.
If there’s something Threadless has that we don’t carry, you can drop a link to it here.
It doesn’t look like Threadless carries magnetic/removable car signs.
There are lots of places I could link that make custom car magnets, so instead here is a mockup I made at one site (ideally, the custom text line would be larger):
Also, thank you for the reply. It’s very useful for anyone who wants to suggest future products to know the procedure.
What are the chances we could get iNaturalist username badges added to the store? I can’t tell you how many times I’m out at parks or on tours and people realize what I’m doing before asking “what’s your name on iNaturalist?” It would also be great for regional/national conferences like the Master Naturalists, Native Plant Societies, etc… I don’t always recognize people by their real name, but then I hear their username and I’m like “Oh yeah, you ID my stuff all the time!”
I moved your post to this existing topic about the store. As @carrieseltzer said, if Threadless already has badges, it would help if you can link them here. And if they don’t, you’ll have to ask them to carry that before iNat can get them.
Can I just say this: although 50/50 cotton and polyester tee shirts are cheaper, 100% cotton tee shirts are wonderful in that they are cooler, more absorbent, and they do not start to stink in the armpits after many wearings. They do shrink a bit, so you need to buy a lager size.
Also polyester burns you alive… maybe a bit overexaggerated, but sun rays go straight through polyester.
Alright folks, now we’ve finally got baseball caps ! Phone cases ! And new shirts (women’s and unisex cuts)!
I’ve bought my case a while back already, (the sturdy one) and I gotta tell you… it’s the best case ever. It has been through war, and my phone doesn’t have a single scratch on it. I even dropped it from all the way up the stairs. Hit three times, and then the ground. Nothing.
It’s just the case that has a bit of damage, but that’s to be expected.
I’m getting 404s on the links :(
Personally, I would go with, ‘Nature observation in progress’ instead of nature observer at work.
If I ever think of iNatting as work, I’ll know it’s time to quit.
i had two people comment excitedly on my inaturalist shirt when i was running errands lately. In the past i barely got any comments so it really speaks to how widespread iNat use has become. It was fun! I agree having name tags with inat username could be fun especially at bioblitzes