I’m coordinating the iNaturalist projects for our upcoming campus bioblitz and we have an umbrella project for collecting all the campus bioblitzes, a bioblitz collection project, and a traditional project for courses that want to participate but are observing organisms before the start of the main bioblitz due to their schedules. My question is because one of the course instructors already created a collection project for their students. If I add that project to the umbrella project, will any observations made during the bioblitz by those students get double-counted through both the course project and the bioblitz collection project? Thanks!
I don’t know, but you could ask the instructor with the collection project to make a test observation of a species that no one has encountered yet in the project that would qualify for both collection projects and see if it is counted twice in the umbrella.
Whether you count ‘obs 32’ thru a little project, or thru the umbrella - 32 itself will only be counted once. Altho it is in both levels of the project.
If it isn’t a traditional project with specific standards that the user must add the observation and it doesn’t get added to both likely it will automatically be added to both, but as one observation not two. If you have a traditional project with those specific standards a user would have to add it so therefore I think it will be ok. Although, if you are worried about anything happening simply do as @cthawley said and test first.
Original project
Duplicate project
Umbrella project including these 2 projects
So it looks like it counts the entry only once.
Thanks everyone for the quick responses and for testing this, Shauns!
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