I try to stay inside the boundaries of my knowledge, but sooner or later I’m bound to make a wrong ID. I want to know when I do, so I won’t make the same mistake again. Will I receive any sort of notice when other identifiers disagree with me?
Unless you turn off all notifications, you should definitely receive an update if a disagreeing ID is added.
Thanks! That’s good to know. (I couldn’t find anything about this in the FAQ.)
I believe you have to receive notifications of disagreeing IDs–there’s no way to turn them off in bulk. You can turn off @ tags, agreeing notifications, and emails here; you can “unfollow” individual observations (on the page of that observation) and mute or block individual people (here). If a way exists to turn off all notifications, I don’t know it.
Another perspective - just because somebody puts down a different ID than yours doesn’t automatically make theirs correct.
This is, of course, correct, but if you are unsure of your own ID, it is always safer to assume that the other IDer is correct. In such cases I always withdraw my ID (though never agree with the new ID).
You can also use the maverick ID link to check if you missed one
(replace my name with yours)
Okay, now it’s actually happened to me — I failed to spot a caterpillar in a flower photo — and I’m more confused than ever. The original observer disagreed with my plant-based ID, suggesting “Butterflies and Moths” instead. Two more people added the same ID, to outweigh my maverick ID. Once I noticed, I withdrew my original ID. No problem.
But I only noticed by accident. Of the three other IDs, only the last one appears in my updates on my web home page. The first two, including the observer’s disagreement, don’t appear.
Is there somewhere other than my home page I should be looking for notifications?
Were the three IDs made at around the same time on the same day? I wonder if there is just one notification for them all in that case.
There should be a notification for all three.
Yes, whether for new ID, comment or fave, you get a notification by default
Okay, I’ve found at least part of the problem. In looking through the update messages on my home page, I didn’t notice that they all have a little box in the corner that says “Show more…” so that I have to manually expand each such message to see all the IDs that have been added. I’m not thrilled with a design where I have to manually click in potentially dozens of places to find out if I’ve been disagreed with. I’m going to think about this a bit, and maybe I’ll submit a feature request to have disagreements forced to be separate notifications from simple IDs, the way comments are.
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