Images no longer loading on iNaturalist, "Malware detected" pop-ups using Malwarebytes extension

Both my laptop and a friend’s laptop seem to have no ability to load images on iNaturalist. When viewing them, it gives what is (hopefully) a false positive malware detection pop-up in connection to the amazon server that hosts the images.

I’m on Google Chrome, they are on Safari. They are listed both as “High Threat” which normally wouldn’t be a false positive, however I’m unsure for the justification behind this.

Here’s how it looks on my end:


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On their end images show as a blank grey filled area:

On mine it just shows the “broken image” icon in place of that:

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It looks like Malwarebytes is preventing the page on from loading images hosted on iNat’s AWS repository. Generally, it would be a good idea for a browser extension to block active content (e.g. a script) from being loaded from another domain, but blocking cross-domain images would usually be excessive.

I’m not sure where the change was made that caused this behavior.


Typically, this is not a problem with secondary domains run for the purposes of needed utility. False positives like this used to be a common problem 15 years ago, but a lot of tools like Malwarebytes have improved considerably to the point this shouldn’t really be possible. Yes, it was fine all morning until more recently…as of the last half hour.

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It was working fine in Edge here in the UK at 6pm (Greenwich Meantime) but by 8pm the Malwarebytes extension was showing the same issues noted above. However, now at 10:20pm all is working fine again - I assume it was something at the iNaturalist end which has been corrected !?

That pop-up - if you download malware bytes, that’s basically like infecting your computer. It’s, in my opinion, a virus in its own right. Very difficult to get rid of too

Edit: My experience with Malwarebytes was many years ago and it cause me a lot trouble on my Mac system. . Maybe it’s different now

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Appears to be solved now.

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