iNaturalist not showing Gallery option (Android)


App version number, if a mobile app issue:

Screenshots of what you are seeing:

Description of problem:
Mobile iNaturalist stopped showing me the Gallery option when I go to upload images. It is way easier to find pictures scrolling in Gallery, especially when I have photoshoots that aren’t recent.


11 posts were merged into an existing topic: The new Andoid app version now uses a very restricted photo picker

I have a Pixel 6A and I’ve been using mobile to upload from my Gallery for years.

Can you confirm

  1. The issue relates to Google blocking the link including location data to the app.

I have cleared storage, uninstalled and reinstalled. When opening after clearing storage I got a request to allow app to access photos ticked, still the same.

Screenshot of your info regarding accessing Google.

Your going to loose out on observations if phone uploads aren’t available.

I’m getting this same issue, also with Android (v.13) and app version 1.29.14. The last time I uploaded a sighting was September 19th and I don’t recall having this issue; my phone hasn’t updated since then so it must have been an app update that broke it. Gallery is working with photo picker integration in other apps, it just seems to be iNat that it’s broken for.

I have no idea why “bug reports” is apparently an option, but gallery and photos aren’t (although it is somewhat ironic).

Anyway until the issue is fixed I’m afraid I’m unable to use iNat at all as all my photos are stored and organized on my phone and the web version is a nightmare to navigate on mobile. :(