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If there are more than 500 observers in a project, then the “Most species” section displays the users with the most species among the first 500 users with the most observations, rather than the users who actually have the most species in this project.
As a result, if we open the data in the “Most species” section and sort them by the “Species” column, the data will differ from similar data opened on the “Observers” page of the project, since we will not see some users in the list. The reason is that these users do not have enough observations to enter the list, which is then sorted by the number of species.
Example. Let’s open the project:
And let’s compare the data in the “Most Species” section, click at “View all”, sort by the “Species” column and compare it with the data on the “Observers” page of the project, also sorting by the “Species” column.
We see that the user with the most species in the project is not displayed in the “Most species” section because he has only 590 observations, and the “Most species” list contains only a sample of 500 users, the last of whom has 802 observations. Similarly, for other users, for example, the 15th place with 417 species, but only 706 observations, is also missing.