Ipad 12.9 keyboard pop-up window bug

Platform (Android, iOS, Website):
iOS, IPad Pro 12.9 Gen5

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) :
Safari… (same with Google Chrome)

Description of problem

Can no longer send Forum messages in full screen mode on the iPad 12.9 because the send button is hidden behind the keyboard and doesn’t want to show up.
(after 45 attempts able to send one Forum message)

Additionally, in full screen mode, you can’t create new forum topics or add a text for the bug topic. If you tap on the field where I am inserting this text, the whole window & keyboard immediately disappears.

Was also not able to mark text parts inside a pop up window for copy and paste.

First improvised solution: Split View Mode. & Slide Over Window

In split view mode, however, it works but not well and the pop-up window (Message or New Topic) seems to be stable without disappearing again immediately when you tap it.

IOS 18.2 issue only here inside the forum…
iNat works well.

Moved this to Forum Feedback as it’s about the Forum (which is run on Discourse.org software), and not iNaturalist itself, which is what Bug Reports is for. There may not be much we can do about it.

Please share a screenshot or two.

Also, note that there is a Discourse app you might want to try.

i don’t have an iPad, but can’t imagine a proper onscreen keyboard implementation that doesn’t provide a way to move the keyboard around or else doesn’t properly shift things out of the way of the onscreen keyboard.

in other words, it seems like if it’s not an iPad problem here, you might just need to find some sort of setting on the onscreen keyboard to get it to function the wy you need it to. it doesn’t seem to me like there’s anything that in the forum needs to be fixed.

okay thanks!

I’ve only been on the forum for 4 months and this is the first time\day that this has happened. Since then, the profile pictures in the flags are no longer round but oval.

Great! The pop up text box almost works well. Topic texts and messages can be edited and send again, in full screen mode IOS Safari, 12.9 iPad screen.

However, you can still only mark one word here in the text box. (copy\past) It is not possible to extend the markings to the length of a sentence or to mark the entire text.