iPhone App Crashes Immediately

Platform: iOS 16.5

App version number: 3.2.7

Description of problem:

The app was working fine yesterday, but today, it crashes when I try to open it. I restarted the phone and updated to the most recent version of iOS, but the problem persists. I have several observations waiting to be uploaded, so I would prefer not to delete and reinstall if not necessary.

Step 1: Open iNaturalist app

Step 2: iNaturalist splash screen shows for a fraction of a second before the app crashes completely

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This usually happens when the database in the app gets corrupted. Tough to know why that happens. Deleting and then reinstalling the app should fix it.

That worked thank you. Do large numbers of unuploaded observations contribute to this?

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It’s hard to say, unfortunately. Do you know about how many you had?

Around 35 I believe. I make voucher observations in the field to record accurate geodata and time, so at various times in the past, I’ve had upwards of 200 waiting to upload without this particular issue. The app crashes when removing a photo/recording and saving an existing observation, but I don’t believe that’s a result of unuploaded observations per se.

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Correct, that’s a different bug.

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When deleting and reinstalling, do you lose your data?

Only if there’s anything you haven’t uploaded. Anything uploaded (aka anything you see on inaturalist.org) is safe.