Maybe I have been studying too much for my Final Exams, but this idea first popped into my mind while eating Cheetos Puffs. How would I classify the Puffs from the regular Cheetos? As different genera, different species, e.t.c?
While staring at the Puffs, they first reminded me of bacilli bacteria or filoviridae (yes, I am a science nerd). Then, after I ate the last of the Puffs, I started to contemplate watching SPECIES: ALRE again (a videogame about evolution using artificial life). Watching difference artificial lifeforms diverge into different species is fascinating, and I was even inspired to make-up a Linnaean-type classification scheme.
All of this segued to āThe Very Hungry Caterpillarā, a book I remember reading as a child. Even though it features a made-up caterpillar with a make-believe diet, this caterpillar goes through the entire Lepidoptera lifecycle. With all of the aforementioned information still circling in my mind, I wondered: is it possible to identify āThe Very Hungry Caterpillarā?
Here is the link for those who like to watch the video version of this childhood gem: