KML files not uploading for new place

I have been creating places for each of Ontario’s ecoregion and setting up projects for them. I started with the Ontario gov’s shape file, split it by ecoregion and simplified geometries in QGIS to fit inat’s requirements for a new place.

All has gone swimmingly except now that I am down to the last three ecoregions, the files refuse to upload. I get a 504 error. These KMLs were created at the same time with the same process as all others so I don’t believe it is an issue with the geometries.

Might it just be that the areas encompassed in these regions contain too many observations for inat to parse? I could always just subdivide them further I suppose if need be though that seems kind of against the premise of a place.

Link to files:

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: 504 Gateway Error when trying to create a new place

A post was merged into an existing topic: 504 Gateway Error instead of error message when trying to create a new place with too many observations