Platform(s), such as mobile, website, API, other: web and app
URLs (aka web addresses) of any pages, if relevant:
Description of need:
A new Leaderboards on observations with sound records evidence
Feature request details:
This proposal is a wide-ranging request that would affect all leaderboards on observations (on app and web) and presumably would involve counting/showing only IDs for observations with photos on observations with photo evidence in the same way as only counting/showing only IDs for observations with sounds on observations with sound evidence. Main idea: a leaderboard that appears on observation pages that only counting/showing only IDs for observations with sounds on observations with sound evidence / in the same way as only counting/showing only IDs for observations with photos on observations with photo evidence. Actually, the standard leaderboard that appears on observation pages is based on total IDs on any type of observation (regardless of whether it contains sounds or photos or both): this is not useful for observations with sounds on observations with sound evidence. Many thanks to all in advanced.
I feel like this would be hard to implement because you can’t just implement sound leaderboards for all taxa, it’s a very case by case thing. A sound leaderboard for a june bug wouldn’t work, but one for a Horned Passalus Beetle would. I think for that reason the staff will probably say no.
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Go to taxon page, then click on Leaderboard under Top Indentifier, then check “has sounds” in filter box.
(Apparently I’m #20 for IDing cardinal song)
Edit: I’m going to go move myself up in the rank now
Hi Lisa: many thanks for your response. I think this is not useful for standar users when want tagging other users on observation in order to help IDs.
Hi Riley: many thanks for your response. I think is not so hard to implement: in the case of sound records, only filter or select observations with sound evidence and their IDs.
I don’t understand. You can see the names of people to tag.
And to respond to your response to Riley. It is hard because they would have to reformat the observation page.
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Actually, the standard leaderboard that appears on observation pages is based on total IDs on any type of observation (regardless of whether it contains sounds or photos or both): this is not useful for observations with sounds on observations with sound evidence. People that IDs based on photos generally are not expert on IDs based on sounds (call and songs in the case of birds for example). This results in observations with only sound evidences (no photos) that not have IDs or Research Grade level.
I realized that, but I think people who post both photos good enough for easy ID and sound in the same observation are in the minority so wouldn’t really effect the leaderboard much
Edit: I guess unless there are not many sound only observations that have been IDed
And, What about with observations that only have sounds on observations with sound evidence (no photos)?.
I found this in the search URL wiki
Search for observations with or without media (photos, sounds)
: has 1 or more photos (available in the GUI)
: does not have photos
: has audio (available in the GUI)
: does not have audio
I know they are going to revamp the filter box in the future, so having check boxes of “photo only”, “sound only”, and “both photo and sound” would probably be easier than creating a new leaderboard on the observation pages. For now (or if they decide not to do that) you can type a URL like the one above.
Edit: It’s easier to just click the buttons than to edit the URL. Personally I wouldn’t edit the URL to exclude photo+sound observations because I don’t there there are enough of them to effect the leaderboard much. I checked photo+sound against sound only for a few species and the top 10 people were the same (rank switched around a bit).