Platform : website
Description of need :
While dealing with species that are rare in my aerea I sometimes like to activate the GBIF layer. I often wonder what GBIF knows about those observations and would like to jump directly to the specific GBIF-record.
Feature request details :
I would like click on a GBIF-Point (from a page like: ) if there is no iNat record (or if I unchecked the iNat-Layer in the map) and be directed to the exact record on GBIF. (like this one: Occurrence 4130110763 (
January 8, 2024, 7:41pm
there may not even be a way to achieve this. i think the GBIF occurrence map layer is visualization only (not designed to be clicked).
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If it is an iNat record/observation, you can go to that observation’s page, and click on the direct link to GBIF from there.
But I agree that this would likely need some extra work to implement, since the GBIF layer currently isn’t interactive at all (just shows points)
January 9, 2024, 12:21am
Even the maps on the GBIF website are not clickable.
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Indeed. One can search on the GBIF maps in an aerea but not click on a single button.