Make expanded hierarchy on taxon page default or user-level sticky

Platform(s): website

URLs : e.g. (all taxon pages)

Description of need: make the expandedness of the top row user-level sticky or the default

Feature request details:

The top of the page has a row like e.g.
Life > Kingdom Animalia > ... > Class Arachnida > Subclass Accari

Clicking on the three dots expands this into the full hierarchy, i.e. it replaces the dots with
Phylum Arthropoda > Subphylum Chelicerata

This feature is session-level sticky now. My idea is to have this setting either sticky on a user level, or making the expanded view the default (whatever is simpler to implement). I don’t know whether we need the unexpanded view at all, for my purposes just removing that one would be sufficient.

Thanks for suggesting this feature. It’s been on my “wish list” for quite a while. Glad to see it explicitly requested.

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I would be fine with this being sticky, but I wouldn’t want it as the default. I rarely use/need this info at the top of the page, and it is otherwise just additional words/distraction. It can also cause spacing issues (bumping other content down) when lower taxonomic levels are viewed and/or when the page is viewed in half-screen.

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This is something I’ve wanted for a while, but agree it shouldn’t be default. I’ll also note that if you choose three common name lexicons for your account, it can get pretty large.

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Made a github issue here:

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Thanks to everybody involved, it works. For interested people, the code is here: