Only 1 identifier for species, but "Top Identifier" is someone else

@tiwane, I think (now) that you’re right about the intention and the behavior. So maybe this doesn’t quite count as a bug report, but there still seem to be two significant design problems that lead to user confusion. Perhaps these are both already clearly covered by other feature requests? The two are:

  1. When more than one identifer has “the most” identifications, one is chosen “at random”, with no indication that this is a tie situation. That becomes less interesting when the number of observations is larger, but when the number of observations is 1, that is extremely confusing.

  2. The Top Identifier’s relationship to the taxon being displayed is measured differently than the Total Observations relationship to the taxon being displayed. Understandable when explained, but again, extremely confusing in cases like this.

Is it worth writing a new feature request for one or both of these complaints?

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