Populating Project Location Checklist with Older RG Records

I have recently created two new Places via polygon upload and have created Collection Projects corresponding to each of those places. These are associated with Watershed-based outreach and research projects. The Places / location checklists associated with these locations have not automatically populated with RG species that already existed within the geographic boundaries before I created the place. Only observations upgraded to RG since the place was created are showing up in the checklist. How do I rectify this issue if I want all RG observations to appear? Thanks!

How recently it was? Observations take time to appear in projects, so you may wanna wait, either way check https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/why-dont-these-observations-show-up-in-this-project-official-topic/12523/30

You’re talking about this checklist, correct?
Auto-population of place checklists is a little buggy and is being phased out soon. Depending on what you want to do with the data, there are a few alternatives. You can just browse the species list for your place: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations?place_id=163240&quality_grade=research&view=species
However, that view is limited to 500 species, so you could export the observations from that place and filter to unique species, or you could use this external tool built by pisum: https://jumear.github.io/stirfry/iNatAPIv1_observations_species_counts.html?place_id=163240&quality_grade=research

Previous bug report: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/place-checklist-doesnt-show-all-research-grade-species-observed-in-that-place/11609

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Yes, that and one other one that is showing the same behavior. Created on the same day a few weeks ago. Browsing the species list for the place and/or project is not what I want because it can’t be sorted taxonomically (unless I am missing how to do that).

The article you posted about phasing out place lists seems to indicate that when the new listing feature is implemented, I would be able to generate a checklist for the project and/or place via the new tool. Hopefully that will work. In my use case, I want anyone who goes to the project or place page to be able to view and utilize these checklists (project partners, etc.)

Thanks for the info!

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