this is happening today, pictures seems not to be uploading well. here is a screenshot. I never experienced anything similar with the website. I’m the only one with this issue? what should I do?
Is the image larger than 20 MB?
If you send the file you’re trying to upload to they can usually help with troubleshooting.
YES! I am having trouble with uploading observations also…
pictures were taken with an Iphone 5, so are around 2 MB each one, and tried to upload them from my laptop. Mi internet is working well, and I’m only using internet for this purpose, so I rule out a bad connection.
I made some changes to the uploader on Friday, mostly to prevent uploads greater than 20 MB, but if you try to add a file greater than 20 MB, it should show you an error message not show you a card with the exclamation point. If you can post the file you tried to upload somewhere we can access (Dropbox, Google Drive, etc) I’ll take a look and see if I can figure it out. It would also help to know what browser you’re using, and how you added the file (e.g. did you drag it on, did you click the “Add” button, etc).
I’m using Chrome Versión 73.0.3683.86 (Build oficial) (64 bits). I dragged it from a folder on my desk.
Now, I tried to upload some observations and this time worked perfect. Not sure about what happened, but thank you so much for your help and time :)
I have the same problem, observations uploaded through the app fail to show the picture, even when the app shows as it was uploaded.
@carancho I think this is a slightly different problem than what the original poster was referring to, since his error was occurring when uploading via our website. If the issue you are referring to has to do with the Android app, can you please email with:
- the URL of one of these observations
- what kind of internet connection you had at the time you uploaded it (cell? wifi? strong signal, or in and out?)
- and if possible, if you notice this soon after you uploaded the observation, please send us a log file from the app. To send a log file, go to the Settings tab in the app and tap three times on the version number. You will then have the option to email the log file to us.